Her Lawman Protector Page 16
“I’ll give you a call back, sir,” Jack said, hanging up the call.
Liv didn’t move. The biting breeze ruffled her hair around her face, and she swallowed hard. She opened her mouth as if to speak, but nothing came out. Her cheeks were pale, and for a moment he was afraid she might collapse. But then the glitter in her eyes transformed from shock to blistering rage.
“Liv—” Jack took a step toward her, but she put a trembling hand out to stop him.
“You’re investigating me?”
LIV’S MIND SPUN. More lies, more confusion. Jack was here to protect her from whomever was leaving these threatening notes...wasn’t he? But from what she just overheard of that one-sided conversation, she was the suspect! She’d been around cops long enough to know how this worked, and the realization was like a slap in the face.
Her stomach dropped. Jack had been lying...and she’d trusted him. She’d truly thought she’d spot a liar if ever faced with one again after her divorce from the best liar she’d ever known, but she hadn’t spotted him. She’d been swept right along with the lie. But it wasn’t just that she’d been lied to. It was that Jack had lied to her—Jack, the one man she’d thought she could trust.
“Liv—” Jack repeated, and she could see the agony swimming in his eyes. There was no doubt about it—she’d caught him.
“No!” She pulled her shaking hand against her body. Realizing that she was in full public view, she looked around. A man eyed them curiously from across the street.
“Let’s talk inside,” Jack said, lowering his voice.
It was a good idea. She turned on her heel and stomped up the stairs, his heavy footfalls echoing hers as they headed back up to her apartment. She pushed open the front door and spun to face him as he followed her inside. She felt a familiar emotion welling up—betrayal.
“So what’s going on?” she demanded. “I’m the suspect now? I thought you were here to protect me!”
“I am here to protect you.” He met her gaze, and she realized in that moment how much stock she’d been putting in his ability to look her in the eye.
“Who were you talking to? You called him sir, whoever it was. Your boss? You said you’d been pressuring me to talk, so you’d better back off for a bit.”
He was silent, his lips pressed together.
“What does that mean?” She wanted to shout, but she didn’t. She’d caught him—why wouldn’t he just tell her what was going on? It was infuriating!
“Liv, it’s complicated,” he said at last.
“I imagine so,” she hissed back. “Lying tends to be.”
“I’m not lying, I’m—”
“—investigating?” she finished for him. “From my side, what’s the difference?”
“I know how this looks,” Jack said. “And all can say is that an investigation will only get to the truth, and if you really don’t know what Evan has been up to, then the truth is in your favor.”
“So you think that Evan is up to something and that I’m involved.”
“That’s the working theory. Is there any truth in it?” he asked.
“No!” She gritted her teeth and turned away from him, then spun back around. “How am I connected? Will you tell me that much?”
“It’s—” He looked ready to deny knowing, then he shrugged. “It’s through some real estate deals that went through joint accounts. Plus, you were the one to deliver documents.”
Her stomach sank. She’d been an idiot...
“This place—” She gestured blindly around her. “My store... Is it connected, too? What happened?”
“There were some complaints about the sale—that’s how it started. And it’s more involved than that. Look, I’m not supposed to even tell you that much.”
“So how much of what’s happened to me is true? Did I even have a stalker? Or was that made up to gain my trust?”
Jack sighed. “No, you didn’t.”
“So you planted letters to freak me out...” Her mind went through the frightening evidence. “The pictures. Did you leave those pictures on my doorstep?” she said, gasping.
“Not personally,” he replied with a shake of his head. “But yes, they were a plant.”
“A plant! You make it all sound so civilized, but it isn’t! You terrorized me!”
“I’m sorry, Liv. I am! But we needed to know.”
She didn’t care to listen to his excuses. They were the police—they’d band together regardless, and she wasn’t foolish enough to place the full blame for an investigation on Jack’s shoulders. But he’d been the face of it all. He’d been the one leading her down the garden path, making her believe anything he wanted...
Just like Evan. Lies and subterfuge. And she’d fallen for it all a second time.
“I couldn’t figure it out—nothing made sense!” Liv pulled a hand through her hair, tugging it away from her face. “I couldn’t figure out who would want to chase me away or hurt me. But no one did! No one wanted to get rid of me, did they? I was right—this all felt wrong because it was all an elaborate lie!”
And for the first time, it all added up! This looked crazy because it was supposed to look crazy. They were trying to knock her off-balance so that she’d tell them about her ex. If they wanted to know about him, all they had to do was ask her! She would have been happy to share all she knew.
“Yes, the first couple of letters were fake,” Jack said with a shake of his head. “But not all of it. The woman in the rain—we didn’t send her. We didn’t slash your tire. And that latest letter wasn’t our plant, either. Someone is threatening you—”
“I don’t believe you,” she said, her voice low but steady.
“Why should I believe you?”
Jack sighed, then licked his lips. “I get it. You’re angry. We’ve scared you and put you through the wringer. But I’m telling you the truth, Liv. What started out as a simple investigation has gotten a whole lot more complicated.”
“You’re telling me the truth—just like you did before?” she demanded. “I asked if I was in danger, and you made sure I was good and freaked out. All for what, exactly?” She shook her head, the pieces falling slowly into place. “And what did you find out about me, Jack? Anything that would stick in court?”
She heard the disdain dripping from her own voice, but she couldn’t help herself. “You found nothing because there was nothing to find! I have no business with my ex-husband! I’m the only one who has been telling the truth!”
Liv looked around the apartment. Her home—her fresh start away from Evan, his lies, his new wife... This store she’d opened with such a full heart and so many hopes for her future... It was all tainted now. She’d wanted time to herself to get comfortable in Eagle’s Rest again, to find her niche. All she’d wanted was some peace and quiet to recover from all that had happened, and what had she gotten? A cop who convinced her she was in danger in order to get in close enough to sift through her personal life!
And idiot that she was, she’d trusted him.
That hurt the most—that she’d opened up. She’d told him things she hadn’t told other people. She’d welcomed him into her home, cooked for him, talked with him so freely that now she felt a rush of dread. What all had she said? Had she been accidentally incriminating herself? She’d had no idea she was under any kind of suspicion—not until today, at least, when Jack had started pushing her for some sort of confession.
“And what about Evan?” she asked. “What did he do, exactly?”
“We need more evidence against him,” Jack said with a faint shrug. “We’re pretty sure we know what he’s up to, and eventually we’ll nail it all down, but right now—”
Jack’s expression was dismal.
“But what did he do?” she repeated, her voice shaking.
“Fraud.” Jack met her gaze tiredly. “And I can’t tell you more than that.”
“Fraud...” she murmured. Lies built upon lies. How many untruths and betrayals had she navigated in the past years? She’d thought she was free of it now that she was single again. She could put her life together in the sunlight, live openly and happily. She’d thought she’d see it coming a mile away this time, because if nothing else, her painful divorce had been a wealth of experience.
“I have one question for you, Jack,” Liv said quietly.
“Okay.” Jack stepped closer, those dark eyes still riveted to her face.
“When you kissed me—what was that?”
He shut his eyes for a moment. “That was—” He looked toward the window, then exhaled a sigh. “Like I said at the time, that was a mistake.”
She nodded slowly. Was it ever! So he’d been investigating her, and he’d crossed that line. It was more than a mistake. It was a fireable offense.
“I want you out of my home,” Liv said, her voice trembling. “Right now.”
“Liv, you do have someone after you—”
“Get out, Jack.” Her voice firmed and she looked around the living room. His duffel bag was packed neatly in a corner as it had been since his arrival. She’d thought it was cleanliness on his part, but it wasn’t. He’d been prepared for a quick exit this whole time—prepared for this moment.
Jack studied her for a beat, and she couldn’t read the emotions that flickered deep behind his gaze. He nodded twice, then headed over to the corner where his bag sat. He bent and picked it up.
“Liv, you have every right to be angry with me, but please understand that this is far from over. You are being targeted, and I have no idea who it is.”
“Just go—” Her voice cracked, and she sucked in a stabilizing breath.
Jack walked to the door and pulled it open. He cast her one more look of regret, then stepped outside and pulled the door shut behind him. Liv swept forward and flicked the dead bolt into place.
She stood there for a moment, her heart hammering in her throat. He was gone—it was over, whatever this had been. And she was alone in her new home once again.
As it should be.
But a shiver crept down her back, because while she’d kicked out the man who’d lied to her for the last two weeks, she had more to fear than Jack Talbott. There was the ex-husband who seemed to be closing in, and who just might drag her down with him if he was involved in something illegal. There was the cousin who’d maintained a relationship with her ex behind her back, a woman who’d stared at her in rainy darkness, someone who’d slashed her tire and now a new letter, so much creepier than the last...
The woman in the rain hadn’t been a police plant—or so Jack claimed. And neither was the flat tire or that last letter. Pretty, pretty Liv. She shuddered. Had he been lying to keep her afraid and dependent on him? Or was someone really targeting her? And how could she possibly figure out what was true and what was made up for the sake of the investigation?
Liv was living in the cozy town of Eagle’s Rest, with her family and longtime friends, and she’d never felt more alone in her life.
The tears started to flow.
* * *
JACK SAT IN his car. He rubbed his hands over his face and heaved a sigh. He didn’t feel right leaving her unprotected, but she was certainly done with him. He couldn’t blame her, either.
He’d been stupid to have updated the chief so close to her home. He should have walked farther away, been more aware of his surroundings. He’d pushed her—another mistake. But he’d wanted to make sure that if she was involved, she confessed early enough to get off with a plea bargain. It was his job to find the truth, but he wasn’t interested in putting Liv Hylton behind bars. If she was connected to her ex-husband’s ruse, Jack was now quite certain that she hadn’t entered into it knowingly or willingly. But once a person was trapped, they could be manipulated. And if Evan was still manipulating her—
Jack leaned down so he could look up at her apartment. She stood in the window, then pulled the curtains, blocking his view. Blast it! He wasn’t the threat. But try to convince her of that now...
Jack pulled out his cell phone and dialed the chief’s number. The chief picked up on the first ring.
“So you’ve lost your cover,” the chief said, forgoing a greeting.
“Yes, sir.”
“All right...we’ll pull you out and put another officer in as soon as she cools down.”
“Sir, I know I don’t have a lot of say in this, but she’s scared enough as it is. And now she’s scared of us. She’s not going to come running back to the police at this point. She’s upset, she feels betrayed and she’s trying to figure out who she can trust.”
“Exactly, and she no longer trusts you,” the chief said.
“I know that, sir, but—” was he crazy to be asking this? “—sir, I need another chance with her.”
“I’m not sure that’s wise,” the chief replied. “You’ve tried and failed to repair this. We’ve been listening through the bugs.”
“I’m not so convinced that she’s guilty, sir,” Jack said.
“Based on what, exactly?” the chief asked.
“Based on my gut instinct. She’s genuinely afraid, and when she opens up, she doesn’t sound guilty. Confused, yes. Besides, she’s got someone out there threatening her, and you’ve seen that note. It makes my skin crawl. My bet is that she’s innocent, but there’s someone blaming her for Evan’s handiwork.”
“You’re letting your personal feelings sway you, Talbott. What was she talking about—you kissing her? I thought we discussed boundaries.”
Jack had known that would come back and bite him. He’d known it in the moment he’d pulled her into his arms, and he’d done it, anyway. It was stupid—beyond stupid. He was playing with his career here!
“It was a mistake, sir. I know it. And nothing ever went beyond a kiss. I swear.”
“You realize that this taints your integrity in the case.”
“I get that, but this isn’t about any attraction between us. I knew her before, and I know her better now,” Jack said firmly. “Someone found out about our letter planting, and they took over. I’m willing to bet it’s someone close to her—someone she confides in. But the Liv Hylton I know is honest, straightforward and determined to start her life over as far from her ex-husband as possible.”
“And the property sales? What about her delivering the documents?”
“She might not have known what Evan was up to. It’s a possibility. She’s scared, sir. We can’t blame her for that!”
The chief was silent for a moment. “We’ll continue monitoring anything we can get from the bugs in her apartment, and in the meantime, you can continue the investigation and see where it leads you. But stay away from her.”
“Thank you, sir,” Jack said, a flood of relief washing over him. “I appreciate that. She needs police protection, though, whether she realizes it or not.”
“I’ve got an officer on the way to her apartment now. I’ll post a cruiser in front of her building. She’ll be safe. But, Talbott...”
“Keep your personal feelings out of this. We need evidence and a conviction. I’m writing you up for inappropriate contact with a suspect and compromising a case. This is serious, Talbott, and there will be disciplinary consequences. If you even come close to crossing lines with Ms. Hylton again, you’ll be suspended until further notice and I’ll personally recommend your demotion and possible dismissal.”
Jack’s stomach sank. He hadn’t expected anything less, but it still quickened his blood to hear it. He’d worked long and hard for his career, and a misstep like this could cost him everything he’d worked for.
“I understand, sir.”
“Take the night
off, go home. Get your priorities in order. I need you back in the morning with a clear mind. In the meantime, we’ll continue working the case without you.”
“Yes, sir.”
Jack ended the call and glanced up at the building once more. He didn’t belong in that apartment with Liv—he knew that—but somehow the last week had become more meaningful to him than it should have. He’d miss seeing her in the morning, figuring out dinner with her, hearing her talk about chess and the books she loved... She’d been the most pleasurable assignment he’d ever had, and the most dangerous for his career. And he couldn’t blame her for a bit of it—this was all on him.
But she was also in danger, and he was going to have to leave her safety up to other officers. Logically, that shouldn’t be a problem. He entrusted his own life to other officers every day, but something in his gut just wouldn’t settle down.
The chief of police had warned him off, and if Jack knew what was good for him, he’d do as he was told and go back to his hotel room. He’d have to accept any discipline coming his way and hope to ride it all out. His opinion wasn’t going to change anything in the course of an investigation. They’d follow the evidence, just like they always did.
But something had been nagging at the back of Jack’s mind... If Evan Kornekewsky knew about the minable gold under this town, then he couldn’t be the only one. There were more people involved here, and Jack needed to figure out who they were.
A cruiser approached from the west, and he spotted an officer he recognized. He gave her a salute and she flashed her lights at him. She’d take over in guarding Liv. It would have to be good enough, because he didn’t have any other choice.
If he wanted a job come morning, he’d better clear out and do his investigating away from Liv. He had a few things he wanted to check into at city hall. And he needed to find the town’s most cynical journalist. They needed evidence, and Jack was going to find it.
LIV WATCHED AS various cruisers took turns parking in front of her building. They seemed to trade off every three or four hours. Guarding her must be the most boring post in this sleepy town! And yet when the sun set that night and a dull, driving rain started up, Liv couldn’t help but look toward the spot on the pavement where the woman had stood with that stroller...